Not all websites give out correct information. Do an online search for something and you’ll get lots of results, but how do you know hich websites can be relied upon?
Not all websites give out correct information. Do an online search for something and you’ll get lots of results, but how do you know hich websites can be relied upon?
The answer is NO! Being able to tell if something on the Internet is true or real is tough for adults and even harder for teens. Some of what’s out there is good information, but some of it is just plain wrong. Everyone must first question the source. So, how can you tell what information is okay and what isn’t okay?
Here are some general tips on how to tell if the web site and information is reliable: is brought to you by ASK Education & Training Ltd. We provide training for young people and organisations working with young people. This site was created in response to countless requests from young people for a place to get answers.
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Website by Rocketfuelled / Looks Can Kill