Every country in the world has laws about drinking alcohol and the UK is no different. Read on for an overview of how they relate to young people…
Under five years old
It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to a child under five except under medical supervision in an emergency.
Under 14 years old
You cannot go into the bar of a pub unless it has a ‘children’s certificate’. If it does have one, you can only go into parts of licensed premises where alcohol is either sold but not drunk (e.g. a sales point for consumption away from the pub), or drunk but not sold (e.g. a garden or family room).
14 or 15 years old
You can go anywhere in a pub while supervised by an adult, but not drink alcohol.
16 or 17 years old
You can drink beer, wine or cider with a meal if it is bought for you by someone over 18, but it must be in an area specifically set aside for meals and not in the bar area.
In Scotland, 16 and 17 year olds can buy beer, wine or cider so long as it’s served with a meal and consumed in an area used solely for eating meals.
Under 18 years old
It is against the law for anyone under 18 to buy alcohol in a pub, off-licence, supermarket, or other outlet, or for anyone to buy alcohol for someone under 18 to consume in a pub or a public place.
Some towns and cities have local by-laws banning drinking alcohol in public.
Contact details and links
Name: Alcohol Concern Cymru
Web: http://www.alcoholconcern.org.uk
Email: acwales@alcoholconcern.org.uk
Tel: 029 2066 0248
Info: Alcohol Concern is the national agency on alcohol misuse campaigning for effective alcohol policy and improved services for people whose lives are affected by alcohol-related problems.
Name: DrugAid Cymru
Web: http://www.drugaidcymru.com/
Tel: 0870 060 0310
Info: DrugAid has been helping individuals and communities tackle drug and alcohol problems in South Wales for over 30 years.
Name: Drink Aware
Web: http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/
Info: Loads of info on alcohol and staying safe. Drinkaware aims to change the UK’s drinking habits for the better.
Name: Adfam
Web: http://www.adfam.org.uk/
Email: admin@adfam.org.uk
Tel: 020 7553 7640
Info: Adfam is the leading national organisation working with and for families affected by drugs and alcohol.
Name: Radio 1’s The Surgery – alcohol info page
Web: http://www.bbc.co.uk/switch/surgery/advice/drink_drugs/alcohol_booze/
Info: Some basic facts on alcohol consumption and the health effects.
Name: RSOD
Web: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/rsod/
Info: BBC website with info on binge drinking.
Name: Dept of Health (England)
Web: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publichealth/Healthimprovement/Alcoholmisuse/DH_085397
Info: The Dept of Health is the UK government’s administration for the NHS and health issues – most of its responsibilities cover England only.
Name: Talk to Frank
Web: http://www.talktofrank.com
Email: Online form (you don’t have to give a name)
Tel: 0800 77 66 00
Info: Free info on alcohol and drigs. Set up by the UK government.
Web: http://www.al-anonuk.org.uk/
Email: enquiries@al-anonuk.org.uk
Tel: 020 7403 0888 (Helpline 10am – 10pm, 365 days a year)
Info: Al-Anon Family Groups provide support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking.
Name: Childline
Web: http://www.childline.org.uk
Email: Online form
Tel: 0800 1111
Info: Childine is provided by the UK charity NSPCC. A child or young person can contact ChildLine about anything – for example to discuss problems with drinking, worries about a family member, bullying, drugs, pregnancy or anything else.
Name: The Samaritans
Web: http://www.samaritans.org/
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Tel: 08457 90 90 90
Info: Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing
feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
Name: Gwent Alcohol Project – GAP
Web: www.gwentalcoholproject.org.uk
Tel: 01633 252045
Info: Free confidential advice, information and counselling for anyone aged 16 or over, who has concerns about their own drinking or that of a friend or relative. Operating Hours: Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Name: YOT – Youth Offending Team
Web: http://www.yjb.gov.uk/en-gb/yjs/YouthOffendingTeams/Wales.htm
Info: There are YOTs in every council in Wales – see the above link for contact details for them all. The YOT Substance Misuse Worker aims to offer a service to young offenders and young people at risk of offending who are concerned about their
own or someone else’s drinking or drug use; or would like information on alcohol and drug use.
Name: Solas
Web: http://www.solas-cymru.co.uk/
Email: Email via above website.
Tel: 01633 662061
Info: Direct access accommodation for homeless people. We also provide a range of accommodation, the direct access hostel being the main route into these.
Name: Progress2Work
Web: http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/index.html
Web: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/Jobseekers/programmesandservices/DG_173698 – DirectGov Info Pages
Email: Contact your local Job Centre Plus for info
Tel: Contact your local Job Centre Plus for info
Info: Progress to work is an initiative of the Employment Agency for people who have had addiction issues. Their remit is specific to drugs. Alcohol alone is not within it but if the user has ever used illegal drugs then that meets the requirement.
Name: Positive Futures
Web: http://drugs.homeoffice.gov.uk/young-people/positive-futures/
Web: http://www.catch-22.org.uk/index.asp?m=238&s=273&ss=275&t=Positive+Futures
Tel: 01633 671806 (Newport)
Info: Positive Futures is a national social inclusion programme that uses sport and leisure activities to engage with disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people.
Name: DAN 24/7
Web: http://www.dan247.org.uk/
Web: http://en-gb.facebook.com/group.php?gid=41849768123 – Facebook Group
Email: Online form at above website
Tel: 0800 6 33 55 88 (Free from landline)
Info: Point of contact for anyone in Wales wanting further information or help relating to drugs and or alcohol. Services include: Initial assessment to establish an individual’s needs; Referral to local and regional drug and alcohol services; Information on drugs and alcohol, and their effects; Information and contact details for local GPs, needle exchanges, dentists and other associated health services; Information on other suitable helplines; A wide range of brief interventions including motivational interviewing, harm reduction and overdose management
Name: Fusion
Web: http://fusion-online.org.uk/
Web: http://www.fusion-online.org.uk/
Email: admin@fusion-online.org.uk
Tel: 01633252045
Info: Advice, information and counselling for anyone aged 11-24 who is concerned about their own drinking and/or drug use or
that of someone else. Fusion covers the whole of Newport and clients can be seen at numerous venues across Newport.
Name: Team Challenge
Web: http://www.teenchallenge.org.uk/
Email: info@teenchallenge.org.uk
Tel: 01269 844168
Info: Teen Challenge UK is a charity registered in the UK and operates nationally to help young people who have developed
life controlling problems, especially drug and alcohol addictions, and also to offer preventative help to those who may be in danger of doing so. Teen Challenge UK is a Christian faith based organisation. Is has local branches in many areas in Wales, including Newport.
Name: ASK Education & Training Limited
Tel: 07976 721650
Info: Education & Training on issues relating to sex & drugs.
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